Pomodoro technique is a time management technique that were invented and developed in the late 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, an Italian businessman.
"Pomodoro" is an Italian word stands for "Tomato", the name comes from the shape of Francesco's stopwatch.
An idea is based on the working principles of the brain, which has a short concentration when only focusing on one thing. If the brain has time to rest for a while, it will work better. The technique is to divide the work into 25-minute sessions, then take a break for 5 minutes. In each Pomodoro session, we have to fully concentrate on the work, to be able to work quickly and effectively.
Manage Your Time in a Pomodoro Style
1. Come up with the to-do-list : Choose the work that you think you will be able to get it done quickly without any distraction. For 25 minutes, you have to focus on the task including phone calls or other unimportant work.
2. Set the stopwatch for 25 minutes : After choosing the work you need to get done, set the stopwatch for 25 minutes, and do the work. Do not get distracted by other people or other work. (Sometimes we may not be able to avoid an important contact. After hanging up, you should note the details of that business first, then turned back to work to complete 25 minutes.)
3. After 25 minutes of work, rest for a short 5 minutes : When you are on a break, make sure that you are not doing anything that is work related. Find something relaxing to do, you can sip on a cold drinks to refresh your body, scroll down your phone or play games.
4. After 4 sessions of work, take a break for 15-30 minutes : When working continuously for 25 minutes, for 4 sessions or 2 hours, take a break for 15-30 minutes. You can take a nap, stretch your body, find something to eat, to get your brain and body ready to do another session of Pomodoro.
Pros and Cons of Pomodoro
1. A short break session helps reduce tiredness.
2. Helps improve mental focus.
3. Time allocation prevents work from being interrupted by other distractions. Also helps increase concentration, resulting in the work being completed faster.
1. Time limitation can cause pressure.
2. Forget an ongoing task after a short break, resulting in work discontinuity.